breastmilk high lipase bottle feed

What Everyone Should Know about Breastfeeding at the Hospital

At the end of March, as the pandemic really took off, I sat down for my son’s two month appointment. I did not get to sit with the pediatrician I interviewed and “chose.” Our pediatricians office shuffled all the providers around in order to ensure well visits weren’t covered by a doctor who had been …

Donor Milk

The Truth About Pumping: Secrets For a Peace of Mind Milk Surplus

My Pump Routine to Build a Peace of Mind Freezer Stash I was fortunate enough to build a large enough “peace of mind” freezer stash to donate my breastmilk. While I struggled with a massive and uncomfortable oversupply with my first, I was able to build a healthy, consistent surplus with my second. You do …

Pumping/Nursing Products to Make Your Life Easier

As I’m writing this, I’m reflecting on my second nursing journey. I’ve loved nursing my two babies. In fact, with second time mom confidence, I loved the second time even more. I’ve recently decided to begin completely wean my sweet little cow milk hating second child. The ending is very much bittersweet. While I loved …