Practical Mom Hacks for Peaceful Car Rides

Whether you are just getting from point A to point B running errands OR you’re embarking on a road trip, we all want a peaceful car ride. A little prep before said car ride can go a long way in achieving some peace for mama on said drive. If your car rides also involve a plane ride, check out my airplane travel tips too!

Car Snack Kit

Snack Catcher for the car
Snacks on the Road

This car snack kit is not anything fancy. I grab a Gallon Ziploc Bag, fill it up with individually packaged snacks, and store it in the car. Whenever someone asks for a snack, I hand over one of my choosing. If your car ride begins during snack time, I like to stuff a snack catcher with cheerios and freeze dried fruit and place it in their cup holder. Pixar Ziploc bags have also been a hit in my older kiddo – its a little too risky with the younger one. Having snacks on hand is key for a peaceful drive in this household.

Also, don’t forget, if you give a toddler a snack, they’re going to ask for some water! We’ve enjoyed this water bottle and this water bottle as of late.

Car Diaper Change Kit

Car Changing pad
Diaper Changes in No Time on the Road

To ensure I always have what I need in one place, I secure all diaper change related things in this Portable Changing Pad. I grab it and bring it inside with me (if needed). When I have enough room, I fold it out and change my kiddo in the back seat. In the past, I struggled finding all the things I need for a diaper change. The pockets at the top of this make it easy to store all the things I may need.

Things I store in this Portable Changing Pad:

  • My Favorite Wipes: a nice full pack before any long adventures
  • Diapers: of course
  • Travel Hand Sanitizer: because when its needed, you want it in reach!
  • Odor Neutralizing Trash Bags: minimize the stink! especially when you can’t find a place to throw out the diaper! Additionally, I use these bags to store any soiled clothes in the car until I’m able to wash them 🙂
  • Distraction Toy: If your little one fights diaper changes, a little toy might help here. Most of the time, I’m able to get away with just giving away one of my wipes though 🙂
  • Spare lightweight outfit: Of course you’ll need an extra outfit, but specifically I try to make sure I store a lightweight outfit. My kiddos tend to get hot in their carseats (especially on longer drives). If you do opt to put baby in a onesie, I recommend always putting a pair of shorts over it in case of a blowout! Trust me on this one – its a lot easier to store poopy clothes than to travel with a poopy carseat that your kiddo needs to sit in! (these shorts are too cute!!)

Car Toy Organizer

Car Toy Organizer

I love hanging a place for all the car toys (even though they inevitably get thrown on the floor. I registered for this Car Toy Organizer with my first baby and have used it ever since! The car seat organizer gives a great place for not just toys, but MORE wipes, water bottles, etc!

Bonus: Tunes for the Road

Children’s tunes today have definitely been channeling millennial nostalgia lately. I’ve been digging Caspar Babypants – Stompy the Bear anyone? And don’t forget Anabelle Pancake. JAMS

Movie soundtracks are a great hit as well. How can anyone NOT be happy while listening to You’ve Got a Friend in Me? I must admit, although I was skeptical the Lightyear Soundtrack is pretty enjoyable driving music. Did I really just say that?

Final Words

I spent a little too long being afraid of car rides. As we all do, I learned what to change one cry at a time 🙂 I love learning all the mom hacks! What helps you keep sane during car rides? Any tips for long road trips? Let me know in the comments! Good luck, mamas!

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